Keep offering up your urine and labor, don’t be a complaining slave


Chain Gang

It’s Friday night, so instead ranting about the looming shutdown of the government by republicans who are angry that everyone might enjoy healthcare, let’s talk about their sponsors, our corporate slave masters who violate the 4th Amendment of the Constitution that bans  “unreasonable searches and seizures” every time they drug test employees.

The real puppet masters of our society – the mega and trans-national corporations that sponsor the politicians that we vote for –  have so cunningly taken over our democracy, and successfully duped the general population into submission, that they are able to lawfully demand urine or hair follicles for the purpose of drug testing as a condition of employment.  If you are accused of a crime by the state, the police and the district attorney would be required to get a search warrant to compel you to offer up any bodily fluid, since our Constitution demands at least proof in the form of “probable cause” a reason for the government to search you or seize your property.  Yet in our time, despite the growing and historically high gap of wealth inequality between the 1 percent and the rest of us, the capitalists that own and run the government have somehow gotten the rest of us 99 percenters to agree to submit to drug testing, through surrendering samples of our body, for them to scrutinize our private lives when we are off the clock.

So, as part of the so called “war on drugs” workers of all stripes are compelled to give up their 4th Amendment rights to our employers to search and seize us and our DNA to see if a “crime” might be being committed in our private time that might make us less productive on their production line.  This low bar to override the 4th Amendment is not allowed in a court of law, even if the police and state are trying to catch a rapist/murderer who could be connected to the crime.  Yet the bar is much lower for employers demanding a window into your private life, for such important matters as determining if you smoke marijuana, or drink to much, as this could make you lazy in their eyes.  Or if you smoke tobacco, as this might add to their insurance costs.

What is sickening is that even though the overwhelming majority of us work for the small majority of wealth and capital owners, we often times go along with their fascist justifications.  We say things like “well of course, if he drives a fork lift or mows city lawns, we need to know if he’s high or drunk or not.”  Even though we are letting them peer into our private lives that may have nothing to do with an accident at work. Judging a person on how they perform at work or if they show up sober or not or call out sick an inordinate amount of time is not enough for our slave masters.  They must know that in our private lives, they can have a peek at our personal habits and be able to make a prediction, and condition of employment based on their self righteous standards.  And because they have us desperate for a job, these “job creators” get away with it, and we may bitch and moan, but we comply because we don’t want to go hungry or without shelter.

This is not right, it is a form of fascist extortion.  The same powers have abused the NSA and forced our society into accepting that all our phone calls and internet communications are intercepted by the government to protect us from “terrorism,” the 4th Amendment be damned.

Civil rights and the Bill of Rights are under assault in this country, and have been for a long time, and it’s time we realize that we are allowing private wealth to dictate our private lives and to surrender our private life information as a condition of employment.  A lot of passion is stirred up by gun owners over their right to bear arms, but how many of them are subject to drug testing for their survival – you know, putting food on the table by having a job from our bullshit portrayed,. benevolent “job creators?”

It’s Friday night, so as you raise that glass of wine or smoke that bowl or cigarette, look over your shoulder and make sure that the rich piece of shit that you work for isn’t looking, because he might not approve and might instead hire someone more desperate for work and willing to work for a poverty wage in a society he has built and written the rules for.


Jesus Was a Socialist, Republicans Are The Anti-Christ

wolf in sheep

Since the republicans in the U.S. House of Clowns (representatives) voted to starve poor people even more yesterday by cutting the already inadequate food stamp budget, while falsely claiming “Christian values” as their reasoning, I was appalled enough to sarcastically call them the Anti-Christ in the title.  I’m not literally saying they are the Anti-Christ, as I think religion belongs separate from politics, but  these lying, deceitful, thieving, scum of the earth politicians elected to the U.S. congress –  the republicans- who voted near unanimously yesterday  against the most vulnerable in our society, continually fake God and morals as  their righteous ideology, give me little choice.

It is time that progressives, liberals, human right’s activist, civil right’s activist, advocates for the poor, anti-war activist, other defenders of the less fortunate, and the average person in our society,  stop letting these hypocrites use people’s faith and religion in such a foul and perverted way, to manipulate all good hearted Americans of any faith into thinking that their political agenda gives even a remote shit about the welfare of the people of this country and the rest of the world.

What is especially sickening is that most of these republican politicians and leaders have used the banner of Christianity to sell their radical agenda of social Darwinism to the American people, and used Christian “morals” as a tool to justify their greed, bigotry and hatred.  Divide and conquer, in the name of their sponsors, the uber wealthy and giant corporations and banks.

There has been for a long time and still is, a push of propaganda from the rich and powerful top 1 percent to convince Americans that somehow being poor is a person’s own fault, a character flaw, or the result of sin.  Being poor in America now is viewed by many misguided citizens with suspicion.  I’ve had conservative friends and family members express an outright hostility at the nerve of fast food workers to ask for 15 dollars an hour.  These workers should chose a different job, it’s their own damn fault, they say, as they themselves clip coupons to afford the slave labor  produced cheap products they buy in their towns’ big employer of poverty wage workers, Walmart.  These same friends and family are often times quick to point out a poor person they know as lazy, addicted to drugs, a con-man, etc.  That drug addiction is a disease is not even considered for compassion, as Florida demonstrated by requiring drug tests of recipients of welfare. Pouring exuberant amounts of tax payer funds into imprisoning our friends, neighbors and family members for drug addiction in the war on drugs though, is viewed as tough on crime and morally righteous. These friends and family are a snapshot of an unfortunately large portion of our society, that continue to vote against their own best interest and against the interest of humanity in general.  They have been fooled, duped, mis-lead, lied to, manipulated.  Most are people of good heart, not all, but probably most.  They need the voice of the rest of us to have the courage to tell them to their face that the tea party movement, and the entire republican party is using the name of Jesus to sell a bag of lies for the super rich – the men who in the New Testament, Jesus refers to and is quoted as saying, “It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven.”

Tell that to ex-pastor Mick Huckabee, from the Bible Belt, who has become a regular mouthpiece for the republican party on the Fox Propaganda Network, a defender of insurance companies over health care for all, such as children with pre-existing conditions.  I saw him argue against the ObamaCare’s protection for pre-existing conditions on his show once.  Apparently, what he learned as a pastor and Christian preacher was that the preservation of our dysfunctional health insurance system that denies care to the sick for the sole purpose of profit, is much more important than the lives of people.   I guess it was just a typo error in the New Testament in instances where Jesus was healing the sick and feeding the poor, that he didn’t ask for their health insurance card or for them to prove they didn’t smoke or drink if they were hungry.  I’m sure what is left out of our traditional understanding of the teachings of Jesus is the details on how before and after he helped these people, he warned about the dangers to capitalism if we helped them too much.

Now, in the greatest economic crisis since the Great Depression, brought on by the con-men of our banking system, republican leaders like Eric Cantor, big nasal-nosed sack of phony shit from Virginia, are blaming the unemployed on their unemployment.  He and other republicans in congress want to help the poor and unemployed Americans in this country by teaching them self reliance by starving them.  They are now portraying the still unacceptable high unemployment rate brought upon by this Great Recession and exacerbated by their policies, as the fault of the unemployed.  They argue we can’t afford to feed the poor like we have been, at the extravagant rate of less than 5 dollars a day – if you qualify by making less than 15 thousand a year.  No, these walking epitomes of vile greed and selfishness would have us believe that if we continue to feed the poor, we are making it worse.  It’s for the poor’s on good that we must cut out the food assistance.  A little hunger will motivate them to get a job, although there is still the mathematical problem of there being 3 job seekers to every 1 job.  These same republicans of course, are trying to maintain the much larger tax payer subsidy in the farm bill to the corporate farmers, the government subsidized monopolies like Monsanto that are patenting seeds,  and of course the high-fructose corn syrup producers of corporate America.

They have voted to slash the already inadequate food assistance program even further, but to maintain corporate farm subsidies.

Nothing new here, other that the outright cruelty of their disdain for the poor and hungry in this country, and their golden calf worshiping of their corporate sponsors.

But I’m getting really sick of hearing republicans claiming to be the party of Christian values, because they don’t like gays and don’t want them to have the same rights as everyone else, and because they value a fetus much more important than they do a child that is alive and hungry.

I’m getting really sick of hearing republicans talk about their Christian values while they lobby and vote for the health insurance company status quo by trying to sabotage ObamaCare’s implementation into law.  I’m getting sick and tired of these scumbags handing over immoral patent rights on life saving and vital medications to the pharmaceutical industries of this country that have bribed their way into monopoly, multi-billion dollar profit status by stealing heavily subsidized citizen, tax payer funded research, and calling it “intellectual property.”

I’m sick of old people, poor people, the middle class, – basically all of us except the super rich 1 percent and their political puppets that make it all possible – having to worry that if we get sick with a bad illness like cancer or any other of many inevitable medical conditions, that we can’t afford the same health care that these politicians enjoy through their superior government healthcare program, on a salary that qualifies them in the top two percent.  They have enriched themselves and the powerful, profitable, tax payer subsidized industries they represent.  And they are tired of us slaves who work for them wanting the least among us to be fed, and the rest of us to at least enjoy decent health care.  These wants and needs of the rest of us are labeled “class warfare.”

These are the people in power that claim the moral authority because of their professed Christianity.  They are the exact opposite.

Please, instead of sharing on Facebook some manufactured outrage over the Ten Commandments being removed from a courthouse that prides itself on swift death penalties and imprisons the poor and disenfranchised, or on some bullshit posting about how bad the Muslims are, based on misinformation and lies and propaganda of course. . .. please, share your realization that conservative politics in this country as it currently exists, is the exact opposite of Christianity.

It’s an abomination, and a tragedy that roughly 48 percent of this country don’t even see this reality.







War Everywhere: From Syria to the Republicans’ War on America

Weak DemocratsDue to a pause in the United States plans to bomb Syria, we are now back to the class warfare in this country being waged by the Snake of the House, John Boehner and his tribe of low life house republicans, on this country’s middle class, poor, and everyone in between as they continue to threaten a government shutdown on October 1.  You see, in this wonderful, currently corrupted democracy of ours, the lowest of the low, the tea baggers and other republican representatives are again trying to “negotiate” more spending cuts and trying to sabotage the law of the land, ObamaCare, by pulling a stunt that should not even be legal: refusing to raise the debt ceiling, which amounts to refusing to pay the bills that the congress has already spent.

Not wanting to uphold the law simply because they disagree with it, even though it is the law of the land and was passed the way laws are supposed to be passed in this country, by a majority of our democratically elected officials, the republicans are trying to defund ObamaCare.  Not pay for it.  Sabotage the law.  Not obey it, not enforce it.  They seem to think this is ok for the minority party to do, shut down the government, and  screw over everyone in the country that depends on government services – virtually everyone, but the poor and elderly will be hit the hardest of course.

The republicans are once again holding the country financially hostage as an illegitimate way to sabotage the laws they disagree with.  Sadly, our Nobel Peace Prize winner, President Obama, has a much weaker history domestically as a fighter than he does as the Commander in Chief in wars.  He has repeatedly given in to republican hostage taking and blackmail, and they have repeatedly paid all of us back by continuing their rewarded behavior.  And with Harry Reid, the worthless and spineless coward as the democrat’s Senate leader,  and Nancy Pelosi, being a minority democratic leader in the House of Clowns, having to go along with whatever Obama negotiates away with the tea baggers, we could be headed for more defeat and  more misery brought upon the country by the shameless, corrupt, pathetic house republicans under the leadership of the weeping, spineless, piece of Ohio gerrymandered dog shit, John Boehner.

These dirt bags have threatened the debt ceiling before, used unemployment insurance and Christmas time as hostages in the process and of coursed threatened government shutdowns.  Their cohorts in their republican led states are refusing to cooperate or work with ObamaCare, at the expense of the poor in their states and everyone else of modest means because they don’t like the law of the land and think it’s ok to sabotage it.  The republicans have also used President Obama’s weak poker playing skills to bring us the sequester, which has cost hundreds of thousands of jobs and layoffs in an extremely weak job recovery.  They have managed to layoff fireman, policeman, air traffic control, and teachers in the name of “deficit reduction.”  Some of the heartless, dark-soul republican swine in the House of Clowns voted against funding for the northeastern states after Hurricane Sandy, in the name of deficit spending, even though some of them have accepted or requested emergency federal money for their states for other things.  Hypocrisy of course is their favorite cologne.

In an article in the New York Times titled “Boehner Seeking Democrats’s Help on Fiscal Talks,” the head clown is quoted as saying  “It’s time for the president’s party to show the courage to work with us to solve this problem.”  That’s the way that asshole asks for help, by blaming Obama and the democrats for the despicable, illegitimate behavior of his party that he is unwilling and probably unable to control.  How I long for President Obama to act like candidate Obama pledged, to take on entrenched power and fight for us.  To wind down the wars.  I’ve since come to realize that overall U.S. foreign policy remains the same regardless of who is in office, but can we at least have a little fighting spirit here on the home front?  The war on the middle-class, poor and elderly has only escalated during this Great Recession, and the democratic party has turned more spineless as a whole than ever before.  We need for President Obama to stand up to the republicans on this debt ceiling/government shutdown fiasco this time and say “screw you and your shit-bag colleagues, Eric Cantor and ole fish-face Mitch McConnel, I’m not negotiating shit under blackmail.  Do your duty or face the consequences.”

And now back to Syria.  It’s hard to really know what has actually occurred, and what is planned, because we know from experience to be extremely skeptical of anything that comes out of the president or State Department’s mouth when it comes to wars of choice. In this latest twist on our march to war in Syria, it is hard to know if Secretary John Kerry’s “off-handed” remark this past Monday about not bombing if Syria agreed to give up it’s chemical weapons within a week, that the Russians suppossedly “seized” upon as an opening, was genuine, or if it was orchestrated.

We do know that Obama and Putin spoke privately over the weekend at the G 20 Summit.  We don’t know if they secretly made the negotiation there or not.  Either way, we do know now that the dynamic has changed and we appear to have a pause in our desire to bomb Syria.  Syria has apparently agreed to sign on the chemical weapons treaty, which will require them to declare their chemical arsenal within 60 days to be destroyed.  Kerry is already saying we cannot go on that slow of a time frame.

It will be interesting to see how this plays out, because we know that the United States, British Prime Minister David Cameron, and France wanted to bomb Assad already.  The momentum seems to have first slowed down after Cameron lost the parliamentary vote in England to authorize a UK military strike with us.  Then Obama gambled on congressional approval which turned surprisingly in doubt of backing, losing more momentum.  Now Washington is claiming that it is the legitimate threat of force that has brought about Russia and Syria’s willingness to negotiate.  That’s probably true, but I still doubt that chemical weapons use are the real reason we wanted to bomb Syria: they were and still remain an excuse for us and our allies to help the “rebels” overthrow the Assad regime.  The facts are available to the public.  Our allied dictators in Saudi Arabia and Quattar have been the biggest financial backers of the civil war, and us, England, France, and Turkey have been helping with weapons and supplies over the past two years as well. The CIA has acknowledged involvement.  Senator Sore Loser John McCain and Lindsey Graham, have long been advocating for us to help the “freedom fighters” in Syria more. Obama has said more than once that Assad must go, but claims he prefers a political settlement, which of course won’t happen without military force.

So it seems to me that with our still desired goal of Assad being overthrown, and our continued support of the terrorists helping to overthrow his government, that we are merely looking at a pause in the march to war in Syria.  Saddam Hussein had agreed to U.N. inspections also, but the United States determined before the inspections had a chance to be finished, to go ahead and invade as we had planned all along.  Seems likely to me that no matter what is done by Syria or Russia, our bombs dropping on Syria are still in the works.  Our leaders have just fumbled this war football for a moment, as it appears to be getting a little harder to sell the same old lines of bullshit to the public to support another Western led war that will cost billions and lead to hundreds of thousands of more deaths and misery.  Let’s not forget, since the United States has all of a sudden become so concerned with innocent children being killed in war, that over a hundred thousand Syrians have already died in this bloody civil war that we and our allies have been sponsoring.

The politics here in the U.S. that have been playing out since Obama first sought congressional approval (that he assures us he doesn’t legally need) to bomb Syria is worthy of commentary.  When President George. W. Bush lied to the nation to lead us to the war in Iraq, he enjoyed solid support from his republicans, who voted heavily along party lines.  Democrats who should have known better and who did know better, like John Kerry, Hillary Clinton, voted with Bush to send our troops into a fraudulent war.  Enough democrats went along with Bush.  Now, the party that usually loves war, that talks about it, brags about it, talks tough about it during elections, the republicans, are suddenly anti-war. This is pathetic.  It is good that Obama doesn’t have congressional approval yet, don’t get me wrong, I think they all should vote no on bombing Syria, but the stench of their favorite cologne of hypocrisy is choking.  Presidential loser Rick Santorum, who talked tough in the republican primaries at the time, and who just last year was in favor of military strikes, is suddenly anti-war.  Talk about a two faced, god-claiming liar, he is one of many.  Which goes to show you once again that republicans always put party first over country.  Their convenient change of heart for war is merely a cynical way to oppose the president.  Instead of voting their conscience on the matter, they vote party politics.  And these selfish liars and den of thieves for the rich probably have a “support the troops” sticker on their cars.  They should be ashamed, but of course they vote and campaign and govern like sociopaths, so it’s hard to know if feeling shame is even possible for them.

As for the sorry excuse for a progressive party, the democrats merely demonstrate their lack of conviction and backbone.  They were all too eager to go along with Bush on the Iraq war when their political calculation told them it was the safe vote during the early years of our government’s campaign of fear mongering after 911.  Now, as the nation has grown more weary of continuous war, and hopefully more skeptical, they feel safe in opposing their own president.  It’s all about the polls for these cowards and sell outs, like Kerry and both Clintons.  And my favorite stinky, wet mop, Harry Reid, had even said he would not use a senate procedure to force a vote on authorizing force for Obama if senate republicans filibustered it.  So here, once again, had the senate republicans used a filibuster, this time for the outrageous purpose of not allowing even a vote on the important decision of whether or not to bomb Syria, just so they could impose minority rule should they lose the vote, Harry Reid again showed just how gutless and lacking in any balls he can be.  Even on something important like having the senate help decide the fate of whether or not we chose to go to war, Harry Reid was unwilling to stand up to the minority abuse of the democracy killing filibuster, because his number one concern is maintaining a life long career in an impotent senate that he resides over.  He is a sorry excuse for a senate leader, democrat or republican.  He is an even worse excuse for a democrat.  This is not to say that all democrats or all republicans fall into one of these pathetic categories, there are a few sincere ones on both sides.  Rand Paul on the republican side -yes I’m  a liberal that doesn’t hate him, we just disagree often but not always – and a few on the democratic side, including and especially Senator Barry Sanders, technically an Independent from Vermont.  But the democrats lack the numbers  in their weak pack to stand up to the united party of swine on the other side of the aisle.  And their leadership, Reid, Pelosi, and Obama, don’t lead by example.

If only we could get our politicians to fight and vote for the right causes in this country with the same veracity that they pursue wars of aggression, we could truly be a Great Society.  Instead, those in power have chosen Empire.  At the expense of the 99 percent of the rest of us and the world.

Here’s this weekend’s accompanying music video, enjoy, it’s appropriate: