An Angry Lefty is Back

In my first blog in a long time, I am happy to say that I am back full time, opining on the issues of the day, and past post presidential election politics mentality from last year.  I am angry at the state of things, and deeply disappointed at the man I voted for and the principles I thought he stood for.  I am disgusted even more from the cowardly democrats in the senate, who care more for their own semi-permanent positions in government than they do about the country, unwilling to enact filibuster reform and break government gridlock, out of some fear that down the line, when their worthless asses are in the senate minority, they too can can wield equal power, regardless of who has the majority opinion – in other words, democracy.

My grievances against President Obama begin first and foremost but hardly end, with his willingness to offer Social Security cuts called ‘chained CPI’ to republicans in exchange for some very modest tax increases on the extremely wealthy in this country who have done extremely well, despite the widespread suffering of the masses, who still face high unemployment, foreclosures, and economic ruin.  And this is despite the fact that Social Security’s insolvency is an absolute lie propagated by conservatives who have always been hell bent on starving the financing for all of our social welfare programs, including Medicare and Medicaid.  Ironically, Obama is poised to be the first black President and first democrat to willfully participate in the dismantling of the New Deal.

Current so called “scandals” such as the IRS and Benghazi, are overblown at best and manufactured as well.  The federal government’s spying on the Associated Press is the most troubling and offensive action of recent, and oddly enough, receives the least attention from the main stream media, and the least outrage among average citizens, who seem easily stirred in their passions against taxes or their distrust or pure dislike for President Obama.

I look forward to discussing all of these subjects and more in the coming days and weeks on my blog, which will soon have a working format for you to leave comments and have them published along with my responses.

I thank you all for reading my opinions, and participating in the public arena of ideas, that ultimately put people in power and sustain it.

If you are fired up about the politics and reality of the day, thank you for reading my blog, and I believe this is a good music video to reflect the mood I’m in right now with regards to the state of the world.  Politics and music are difficult to mix and produce something good, but no one does it better than Rage Against the Machine. Please enjoy: