3 O’clock in the morning anger

I have three posts coming this week, some requiring more extensive research than usual, but as the 3 a.m. hour has passed, I find the cold beer I have poured for myself isn’t cooling down the anger boiling inside me enough to silence me for a brief outburst. So I will tell you what is keeping me up right now, and I will be elaborating on all of these subjects within the week’s end in the coming blogs.

The CEO’s of a handful of companies, including Papa Johns and a coal mining company, have said they are going to be forced to cut jobs because Obama got reelected.  Some of these companies had the CEO’s or bosses send out official memo’s to employees, threatening them that if Obama were reelected, their jobs were in jeopardy.  Of course these memos attempt to make it appear as if the big, fat, greedy head-cheese at the company is only espousing legitimate political concerns about the future of the economy, but it is blatant intimidation  and should be illegal, if it isn’t already.  I’m not a lawyer but I can tell if you I were the president right now I would be directing the Justice Department to looking into immediate legal remedies to bring these would be slave owners to justice.  This is outrageous, and I will bring you the details and  names of these slimy sons-of-bitches in my my upcoming blog

There are also large, respected American companies that are actively exploring ways to staff their workforce with part time employees as opposed to full time employees in order to avoid having to provide health care coverage as a benefit to their employees.  The sociopaths that are the people making these decisions in name of the almighty bottom line want to continue the trend of the past decades in this country, which is increased productivity, stagnant wages, decreased benefits, and historically and exponentially high salaries at the top, and historically low taxes for the richest of the rich.  I hope some of these narcissistic pieces of shit will some day know the pain of watching a loved one die and suffer because they cannot afford the cost of  for profit healthcare and insurance.  I will comment on detail on pathetic continuations of the never dying thirst of the love of money.


And finally, what a bunch sore losers and whiners, and now I hear their are states with petitions to succeed.  This is comic relief at 3 a.m., but it is a shining example of the ignorance and vitriol of the far right in this country, and I will give you my post election analysis of this foolishness as well.

Stay tuned, and in the mean time, I strongly encourage you to watch at least a couple of minutes of the late, great, Ted Kennedy’s speech on the senate floor, asking how much greed was enough for the billionaires that were fighting raising the minimum wage, as they are now fighting health care coverage.  It is still truly inspiring and haunting to watch this greatly missed senator.




We Did It! We won, President Obama !

We did it America, we saw through the republican and Romney lies, realized their real agenda, and rejected it.  Not only did we reelect President Barack Obama, but we gained two democratic seats in the senate, which were thought just months ago to be favorable to the republicans.  Tuesday night was a big winner for America, for President Obama, for democrats and liberals.  I congratulate everyone, and am extremely happy and extremely relieved.  It was a hard fought election, the stakes were high, and the historical amount of spending by conservative super-PACS spreading lies and misinformation was astounding.  Somehow, a majority of Americans saw through the billion dollar smoke screen and chose the right man for president, and the right people for the Senate, including the future democratic star that won back Ted Kennedy’s seat in Massachusetts, Elizabeth Warren.

The Fox Propaganda News Channel did it’s usual job of pretending to be news while it lies, omits, and distorts facts, and then editorializes on the false reality that they pedal with such assholes and liars like Karl Rove, Bill O’reilly, Mike Huckabee, Sean Hannity,  Britt Hume, Dick Morris, Sarah Palin, and the rest of the army of douche bags at the network.  Voters in swing states such as Ohio and Florida were saturated with false advertisements from the Romney campaign, including outright lies about Jeep manufacturing being moved to China when the CEO was saying, ‘that’s not true.’  Early in the campaign, Romney’s cronies ran television ads deliberately distorting and doctoring the video of a speech from President Obama to portray him as telling small business owners that if they had a business, they “didn’t build that” when it was proven with the full clip that he was talking about infrastructure.  The Donald, Mr. Trump, who is on a full throttle downward spiral to convince most everyone watching that he is damn fool who should never be taken seriously, was out spreading the birth certificate myth that Obama wasn’t a citizen.  Mr. Romney embraced  the Donald, as he did every right wing nut job or clown when he thought it would help him win the republican nomination and the presidency.  In the end though, Americans saw through the fog of Karl Rove’s super-PACS, the Koch brothers,  Sheldon Adelson, the health insurance companies, and Big profitable Oil. Americans  saw through Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan’s real agenda, which was the further consolidation of wealth to the top percent, and the dismantling of affordable health care, Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security. Tax cuts for the wealthy, deregulation of the financial markets that caused this Great Recession, more military spending, and spending cuts for everyone else.

It was very telling watching Bill O’reilly say on Fox Propaganda News that if Obama won, it would be because “The white establishment is now the minority, and the voters, many of them, feel that the economic system is stacked against them and they want stuff.”  He went on to say that 50 percent of Americans ” “want stuff. They want things. And who is going to give them things? President Obama. He knows it, and he ran on it.”  He also termed these Americans as feeling “entitled.”  It was very telling to watch Bill O’reilly speak from his heart, his true condescending, racist heart, and unwittingly say almost the exact same thing that Mitt Romney was secretly video taped saying at a fund raiser of his during his famous “47 percent” tirade that went on to haunt him, although not near enough.

It was telling because it revealed the ugly truth behind the facade of the republican’s ‘freedom’ ‘god and country’ and ‘family values’ rhetoric.  At Mitt Romney’s core, he is       a greedy vulture capitalist who made his money buying up troubled businesses, busting them up, laying off a large part of their workforce, and reselling them for a profit.  At his core, he is an American businessman, born with a silver spoon in his mouth, who pays far less taxes than most Americans even though he is a multi-millionaire, and hides his money in Swiss Bank Accounts, and has maintained shell companies in the Cayman Island to avoid paying taxes to his country.  He has personally visited sweat shops in China and used his experience to sell to his colleagues on the opportunities of off shoring jobs.  He advocated letting the U.S. automobile industry fail. When speaking of such agencies as FEMA in the republican primaries, he said we should send all those responsibilities back to the states, and privatize whenever possible.  When asked about this after Hurricane Sandy struck, Mitt Romney ignored reporters questions about this 14 times with silence.

At his running mate Paul Ryan’s core is an idealistic, Ayn Rand dope who likes to think of himself as some sort of serious budget ‘wonk,’ but he is nothing but a fraud.  His math for his draconian budgets have never added up, and his ‘immoral budget’ as his fellow Catholics have called it, has been his passion since he and George W. Bush’s dream of turning Social Security into a privatized Wall Street program failed.

For both Mr. Romney and Mr. Ryan, greed for the top few and disdain for the rest have been their faith from the beginning.  I am thankful this country has not been fooled by the wolves’s in sheep’s clothing posing as good Christian men, while really doing the bidding of those ultra greedy at the top who could not care less about the rest of us.  They are a shining example of hypocrisy and deliberate liars who will cynically exploit people of their own faith and those of others.  They are the puppets at the top of the pyramid of the 1 percenters who truly do not give a shit if any of us live or die, so long as their bottom line remains profitable.

When I watch a presidential candidate give a concession speech  or any other politician, or coach or athlete, I usually feel some empathy for the loser even if I am rooting against them.  Watching Mitt Romney give his concession speech last night was an exception.  I wanted to see his true emotions for once, leap out onto his robot face, and see the agony of his defeat.  I felt no empathy for this man, because I know the truth about him and I’m so grateful that a small but still majority of America  saw him for the man so greedy for power and wealth, that he sold his soul.  I’m not sure his running mate ever even had one.  I am so thankful to see these would be thieves of affordable health care and Social Security get their asses kicked to the curb.  And not only would I tell them to not let the door hit them on their asses on their way off the national political stage, I’d also like to tell Governor Romney that he can take the ‘fake donations’ at his fake ‘storm relief’ rally in North Carolina for the hurricane struck area, and stick them straight up his ass.  And I hope the next time Paul Ryan is walking down the street that a homeless man spits a large lugey in his face, the way some idiot tea-bagger did to one of the congressmen who voted for Obama Care.  I hope this is done for his brazen stunt of pretending to wash dishes at a homeless shelter for a photo op earlier in the campaign.  The dishes were clean, and the homeless had long gone.  It was a fraud like their entire campaign.

I’m glad you two would be thieves and con men are gone.

Thank God the majority of us were not fooled.  And to my friends and neighbors and family members who did vote for Romney, I want to hug you and try to explain, if you will listen to the facts, why you will be better off in the future because Barack Obama won again.

Here is my Victory Music Video picked out for our president’s win, raise your glass and enjoy:






Vote for Obama, and deny the Liar !

My fellow Americans, the time is upon us.  This tremendously important election will likely determine the direction of affordable health care for all, the survival of Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security  and the new face of the Supreme Court.  Please do not underestimate the impact this election will have on our lives and generations to come.  President Obama is the only choice if America is to remain a secure land of opportunity for all, instead of a social Darwinian nightmare of survival of the richest and best connected.

On this election eve, it’s hard to imagine there are any truly undecided voters out there, so I’m going to focus on some of the most important reasons to vote for Barrack Obama, and  remind you to remind your friends and neighbors of the extreme importance of going out and voting for him tomorrow.  And I hope this will prove a useful shortlist for you to explain to your deluded friends and family members who think voting for the compulsive liar Mitt Romney is in their best interests.  You can probably give up reasoning with these people at this point, but hopefully come Wednesday, you can remind them of why you voted for Obama, and why they should actually be thankful that Obama has won re-election.

Survival.  Pure and simple and Darwinian enough, but everyone needs to remember when they hear such buzz words as “Obama Care,”  “voucher care” or “European style socialism” that they are more than mere labels.  Behind the meaning of these carefully loaded words is one of the most fundamental survival needs we have in the modern world:  access to healthcare and modern medicine.  A vote for Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan is a vote to return the power, money and resources of the healthcare system back over to the health insurance companies. These insurance companies make enormous profits every year by collecting money from people to protect them and then denying them care when it cuts into their profits. It is plain and simple thievery.   Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan want to repeal Obama Care to return the power of denial of coverage for profit back to the insurance companies.  And they desperately want to get it repealed before all of it is full implemented, by 2014. They know that once Americans experience all of the protections and benefits that the Affordable Care Act provides, it will be much more difficult to take away.

Keenly aware that it is difficult to take away successful government programs once they are realized, Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan are not just trying to kill Obama Care, but to pull a sneak attack on Medicare.  Eventually, Mitt Romney, his running mate, and many conservative republicans hope to dismantle Medicare as we know it and replace it with a voucher system for seniors to go out and purchase health insurance on their own.  Health insurance companies that would again be playing by the repealed Obama Care laws, where they rack up profit by letting sick people die.  Knowing that no one in their right mind currently on Medicare or close to it would accept this deal, they are saying in essence, “don’t worry, if you are age 55 and older, your guaranteed coverage of Medicare will continue, we only plan on screwing over your children completely. ”  And of course they are counting that those of us under 55 are not paying too much attention to medicare just yet.

Social Security is still under threat, hard as that may seem to be, but keep in mind that republicans have been salivating  for years to cut Social Security benefits, raise the retirement age, or privatize it.  Remember when George W. Bush was going to use his political capital on getting Social Security privatized ?  Congressman Paul Ryan was his leading partner in that effort at the time.  Paul Ryan, who’s latest budget proposals have included more tax cuts for the wealthy, and draconian cuts to Medicaid, which serves the most poor and vulnerable among us, to pay for it.  Paul Ryan, who is currently trying to replace Medicare and cut Medicaid, was also George W. Bush’s right hand monkey when Bush dreamed of turning over Americans’ guaranteed retirements into the hands of his criminal friends on Wall Street.  Let’s make sure this is the end of Paul Ryan’s career of trying to destroy the great social safety nets we most all will need at some point in our life.

Have you seen the outdated attacks on women’s basic right to contraception these days ?  It is truly unbelievable.  Remember the ‘forcible rape’ republican, Todd Akin?  In 2009 Paul Ryan co-sponsored the Sanctity of Human Life Act of 2009, a radical bill that would have given fertilized eggs the exact same rights under the constitution as human beings.  When asked  by ex-preacher and current sellout asshole Mike Huckabee on the Fox Propaganda News Network if Romney would have supported a constitutional amendment in Massachusetts that would have granted legal status at conception, Romney responded “Absolutely.”  When asked during a republican primary debate in 2007 on whether he thought Roe v. Wade should be repealed, Romney replied the same.   “Absolutely.”

The next president may get to nominate two Supreme Court Justices.  With a current Supreme Court already stacked with such conservative partisans like Antonin Scalia and such clueless dip-shits like Clarence Thomas, do we really trust Mitt Romney or Paul Ryan to nominate reasonable men to this important lifetime position?

Absolutely not !

Those are the short and dire list of why we must reelect President Obama.  Those are the fundamentals to remind your friends and family of the importance of voting for him for a second term, and simple and direct answers to your beloved countrymen who are tricked into voting for Mitt Romney and the republicans.  These are by far not the only important reasons to vote for Barrack Obama, but they are the ones that should motivate people the most, as our lives literally depend on it.  And this should cheer up our friends who mistakenly voted for Mitt Romney, who God willing, will be an old Saturday Night Live joke shortly and fade into the memory of the nightmare that could have been.